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District Chairman 2016-17 Shama Prasanna

Our success lies in our diversity, which contributes immensely to the growth of our dynamic Organization. Inner Wheel District 323 is known for its vibrancy and versatility and this is thanks to the excellent and praiseworthy projects undertaken by our clubs......

District Chairman 2016-17 Shama Prasanna

About Shama Prasanna

My dear IW friends,

Our success lies in our diversity, which contributes immensely to the growth of our dynamic Organization. Inner Wheel District 323 is known for its vibrancy and versatility and this is thanks to the excellent and praiseworthy projects undertaken by our clubs and the strides taken into National & International circles by our dynamic Past District Chairmen.

The wheels of time are constantly changing and evolving. Connectivity is rapid and in keeping pace with the e-age, this is the perfect place to showcase and store the good work done by our District for posterity. It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you to our new website that we hope you will find not just user-friendly and informative, but also aesthetically pleasing and interactive.

Our International Inner Wheel President for 2016-17, Oluyemisi Alatise has given us a wonderful and heart warming theme for the year based on the second objective of Inner Wheel - 'TOUCH A HEART' which signifies the personal touch to giving and sharing in all aspects of our lives, thus paving way to enhanced sensitivity and compassion.

ENJOY- this simple yet enigmatic word given to us by Association President 2016-17, Prabha Raghunandan, is an acronym for making us get and take pleasure in what we are doing in a responsible way. We can succeed in our endeavours if we have fun and ENJOY what we are doing... that's the passion at work!

I am extremely honoured to be leading this esteemed District and applaud each and every one of you for being part of this Organisation. So Enjoy knowing about our District & Clubs and about all the marvellous projects done through this web page.

The future holds immense promise for us all! And remember that, wherever you go, whatever you do...

Go With All Your Heart And Go Touch A Heart!

Enjoy Inner Wheel!

Warm Regards,

Shama Prasanna
District Chairman 2016-17