International Inner Wheel (IIW) – a voluntary organisation comprises women from all walks of life, concerned with and working for public welfare. Now 101 years old, the Inner Wheel movement emphasises on “Reach and Inspire”. The organisation spans 100 countries with over 100,000 members. Represented at the United Nations in New York, Geneva and Vienna, IIW assists commissions regarding Human Rights, Rights of Children, Conditions of Women, the family, the elderly & Drugs.

Inner Wheel District 323 - Under the aegis of District Chairman Fathima Nasira the District comprises 69 clubs with 2063 members spanning Chennai and revenue districts of Kancheepuram, Tiruvannamalai and Vellore.

The vibrant District is actively involved in promoting various social causes including:

• Education, Micro Finance & Financial Literacy
• Community Service, Health and Hygiene Programs
• Support for the Differently Abled
• Disaster Relief, Environment protection
• Animal Welfare

We are 100,000 Women in Action across the world, working to benefit our local and international communities.

Jubilation - 39 th District Assembly-2024

IIW Social Theme 2024-2027

IIW Theme 2024-2025

Objectives of International Inner Wheel