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District Chairman 2016-17 Shama Prasanna

Our success lies in our diversity, which contributes immensely to the growth of our dynamic Organization. Inner Wheel District 323 is known for its vibrancy and versatility and this is thanks to the excellent and praiseworthy projects undertaken by our clubs......

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Association President 2016-17 Message

Dear Friends,

The times we live in demands new innovations and communicating through websites and e newsletter is part of it. I congratulate District 323 for having a dynamic website to mirror the activities of the District.

After 91 years of existence, Inner Wheel is not doddering or faltering, on the contrary it is flying high with confidence, renewed vigour and enthusiasm. The reason for this is YOU - Each member! Your passion and commitment takes the organisation to newer levels.

As we create Happier Futures Better Lives, our IIW President asks us to 'Touch a Heart' with compassion, understanding, to live the ideals of Personal Service.

I would like you to ENJOY Inner Wheel! Enjoy it thoroughly, imbibe it wholeheartedly and live your Inner Wheel life to the fullest. At the same time think of ENJOY as

E - Educate and empower girls

N - Nature needs you

J - Joy of Sports

O - Optimise resources /Opportunity to serve

Y - You the member

Work on all these and we would have touched hearts, created Happier Futures and strengthened Inner Wheel to progress towards our Centenary.

Our Mission in life should be
To help strangers along the road
To lend a helping hand, to ease the load,
To do the kind and friendly deed,
Wherever path in life may lead
To do your with joy and zest
Giving your utmost, your all, your best.

Enjoy Inner Wheel!

Warm Regards,

In Inner Wheel Friendship
Prabha Raghunandan
Association President 2016-17