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District Chairman 2017-18 Padma Preetha Sumanth

Our beautiful organization Inner Wheel has provided all of us many opportunities to grow and improve our attitude towards many realities in the World. 'The light of friendship can lend a glow to even the darkest corners of one's life".......

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IW District Events Photo Gallery

Sangamam 2017
Mazhalai Oli

SAAGA Function Details

The program began with a mime on saving trees by IWC Vriksham followed by a dance on Saraswati by a prospective member. Then talk show where the delegates first spoke on what motivated them to join IW and how it has made an impact on our personal /social/ professional life in a positive way.

Nallini olivannan Dist ESO asked each of the delegates to speak on the following -

PIIWP Kamala RK–how members- old and new, should take opportunity to assume leadership roles and how it helps in growth of an individual

IIWT Azhagu A– how inner wheel membership can benefit the individual in terms of networking, friendship, bonding

PDC Nallammai– how Inner wheel draws attention to friendship and service as against other service organisations, where she is involved as a philanthropist

Seema– how not knowing the language did not stand as a barrier to inner wheel friendship

Q &A, followed by a passionate short speech by Preetha on impact of IW on her , dance by Vriksham, fun song by Korattur and Quiz in IW by ACM Shama and finally photo session and snacks.

Samvriddhi - Installation of Padma Preetha Sumanth as District Chairman 2017-2018 Samvriddhi - Installation of Padma Preetha Sumanth as District Chairman 2017-2018
Rubella Awareness Walkathon in the Elliot's beach on 11th Feb 2018
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