History of Inner Wheel District 323

History of Inner Wheel District 323 - Inner Wheel District 320 comprised of clubs within the states of Tamil Nadu and Kerala. In 1985 Inner Wheel District 320 was bifurcated into Inner Wheel District 320 and Inner Wheel District 323. The newly formed Inner Wheel District 323 comprised 14 clubs within the state of Tamil Nadu. Kalaimagal Swaminathan was the first Chairman of Inner Wheel District 323. In 1995 Inner Wheel District 323 was further bifurcated into Inner Wheel District 298 and Inner Wheel District 323.

At present, Inner Wheel District 323 comprises clubs within the city of Chennai and Revenue Districts of Kancheepuram, Thiruvannamalai, Thiruvallur and Vellore.

Inner Wheel District 323 has the distinction of initiating the Inner Wheel movement in South India, due to the formation of IWC Madras South in the year 1963.

The members of Inner Wheel District 323 have occupied highest offices both at International and Association levels. The Past District Chairmen hold a place of pride in the District. They are friends, philosophers and guides of the District and play a vital role in upholding the values and principles of this prestigious movement.

International Inner Wheel Logo

The logo is a gear wheel. The teeth on the outside represents the clubs around the world. The 6 spokes represent the officers and service committees. The teeth on the inside gear wheel represents the links with other organizations and the charities and the work we do. If one these teeth break off, the rest will continue to benefit. The dot in the middle, is the individual member, without which, the hub will fail, and nothing will work.

Founder of Inner Wheel

Ms. Margaret Oliver Golding the wife of a Manchester Rotarian, was born of Welsh parentage. A nurse who served during the First World War, she had a deep desire to help all ailing, deprived humanity. She was an extremely capable businesswoman and a great philanthropist. Her chief social interest was the Manchester Girls’ Orphanage, and Ancoats Hospital, for which the Inner Wheel Club of Manchester provided and furnished a mortuary chapel. She also did a great deal for the Girl Guide movement, in which she held the Office of Commissioner.

She formed numerous Clubs and several Districts and is an inspiration to this day. Inner Wheel was firmly established during her lifetime upon the path which it was to follow thereafter


  • First Inner Wheel Club in the world - Inner Wheel Club of Manchester - 10th January 1924
  • First District in the world - Inner Wheel District 5 - 1928
  • First Inner Wheel Club outside GB&I - Inner wheel Club of Ballarat - 1931
  • To mark the occasion of a Club’s formation - Certificate of Membership/Charter - 1936
  • First District outside GB&I - Inner Wheel District 26 - 1948
  • First Inner Wheel Club in India - Inner Wheel Club of Ahmedabad - 1955
  • First Inner Wheel District in India - Inner Wheel District 75 later renamed Inner Wheel District 305
IIW Presidents from India:
  • Ms. Minna Karpoor, District 301: 1986/87
  • Ms. Anita Agarwal,District 301: 1993/94
  • Ms. Kamala Ramakrishnan, District 323: 2007/08
  • Dr. Pallavi Shah District 314:2010/11
  • Ms. Abha Gupta District 301: 2014/15
  • Dr. Kapila Gupta District 301: 2017/18
  • Ms. Bina Vyas, District 306: 2020/21
IIW Treasurers from India:
  • Dr. Kapila Gupta, District 301: 2013-2016
  • Ms. Azhagu Annamalai, District 323: 2016-2019
  • Ms. Sarita Lunani, District 302: 2021-2024